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Fan-run conventions like ours can’t go on without the help of volunteers.

You’re probably wondering: how does it work? What do I have to do? Where do I start? How many rubber ducks do I need? Will there be tacos? (Okay, maybe the last two are really just questions that *I* ask.)

First, fill out the volunteer application. You can do that by clicking HERE. You’ll receive a thank you email as your confirmation that we have received your application.

Then, we won’t contact you for a while. You’ll hear from us closer to the convention in December. Then, we’ll reach out to each of you and coordinate your hours with each department.

What are the benefits? Glad you asked! Depending on how much time you spend volunteering with us, you may qualify for a free badge! Volunteers must purchase their badge first. We will give you a ribbon for your badge showing you are a volunteer and show you how to track your hours. At the end of the convention, based on your hours, we will refund you some or all of your badge:

Volunteer 1-3 hours = A huge thank you!
Volunteer 4-7 hours = $10 Refund
Volunteer 8-11 hours = $20 Refund
Volunteer 12-19 hours = $30 Refund
Volunteer 20+ hours = Full Refund

Happy Helping!