Code of Conduct
Providing for a welcoming, harassment-free, and exciting environment for fans of all aspects of geek culture requires the engagement and cooperation of all individuals involved, from staff, to guests, vendors, and attendees. We expect anyone participating in our convention to behave in a respectful and courteous manner to each other. To that end, we have put together the following code of conduct. It should not be considered all inclusive of all possible situations, but more representative of the atmosphere we are promoting and a guide. Any specific situations will be handled by staff with this intent in mind.Please express any concerns you have to the convention staff member in a timely manner; the sooner we are made aware of a possible issue, the sooner we can address it.
- Harassment of any type is unacceptable. Any incidents should be reported directly to convention staff. We will fairly and impartially review the situation and take any actions that we feel are necessary—up to, and including, revocation of badges and notifying the authorities.
- Please exhibit polite behavior in public areas at all times. Excessive disturbance or abuse of other guests is grounds for immediate expulsion from the convention without refund.
- Cosplayers, remember that no costume is no costume. Your outfits should reflect the public nature of our event.
Non-cosplayers, please be respectful of people in costume. Remember, cosplay is not consent. It is expected that you will ask for, and receive, permission before taking pictures, touching cosplayers, or their props.
- Please remember that the hospitality suite (con suite) is just that. Any inhospitable behavior can lead to your removal and possible loss of badge.
- You must wear your membership badge at all times to be admitted to any convention area or function. Lost badges will be replaced one time only.
- Photographs, audio recordings, and videos taken during the convention may be used by the convention for the purposes of event documentation, media coverage, and promotion of the convention.
- Please ask for permission before photographing or recording people or events.
- Please turn off your cell phone during all events. If you must make or receive a call, please leave the event so you do not disturb others.
- No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed in convention areas and functions, unless otherwise marked.
- Possession of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21 years of age is grounds for immediate expulsion from the convention without a refund. Anyone found knowingly supplying alcohol to those under 21 will also be expelled.
- Party hosts are responsible for carding ALL people that they serve alcohol.
- Room parties, although open to the convention, are held in private rooms. You need to respect your hosts, they have the final say on who is allowed in their room.
- Alcohol is NOT to leave any hotel rooms or authorized locations. Room parties are permitted but any alcohol that is served must stay in the room that it is served in. If you want to drink outside of your room, there is a very nice bar in the hotel.
- While we encourage children and family participation, we ask that parents take an active role in monitoring their children’s activities. Not all events are appropriate for children.
- Weapons Policy: This includes real, replica, or toy arms of any sort, including but not limited to: swords, light sabers, pistols, rifles, blasters, squirt guns, etc. No concealed weapons are allowed on the hotel premises. All Virginia state laws concerning weapon possession and use apply. All weapons must be non-working and peace-bonded, this includes bladed weapons which must be cased or sheathed at all times. Any weapon used in an offensive or threatening manner will be confiscated, and is grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund.
- The convention can not permit unauthorized vendors to sell products during the con. Our dealers pay good money to be here and it’s simply not fair to them otherwise.
- Announced events and guests are subject to change and/or cancellation. While the convention staff will make every effort to inform attendees of changes; however emergencies can, and sometimes do, happen.
- No camping in the halls, lobby, or convention spaces. If you are found sleeping in any public area, you will be asked to go to your hotel room. If you do not have a hotel room, you will be asked to leave the premises.
- The convention is not responsible for items lost or stolen during the convention. The Lost & Found is located in ConOps. Items remaining at the end of the con will be thrown away.
Harassment Policy
We are a family-friendly convention. All forms of harassment are detrimental to the well-being of our staff, guests, attendees, and the convention in general. It is imperative that everyone understands that No means No.
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel you are being harassed, please remain calm and ask the person to stop. If they do not stop, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. Find friends or a staff member and ask for assistance. Refrain from the use of aggression or physical force unless your life and well-being are in danger.
If you need intervention, bring your concerns to a member of the staff as soon as possible. If you have witnesses, ask them to accompany you. The convention staff takes these issues very seriously and will investigate the situation. If the incident takes place after hours, proceed to Hotel Registration where they will contact the convention staff. If you feel threatened with harm, call the hotel’s front desk and/or 911 to ask for police protection.
Once the incident has been reported, the Con Chair and Senior Staff will address the incident.
Please help us keep the convention a safe and fun environment for everyone.