Michael D. Pederson
In 2004, Mike decided to host a convention in Richmond. He’s chaired RavenCon ever since. Mike began his career as a writer/publisher in 1988 when his SF story, “Dust Storm,” won first place in a local writing contest. In the 1990s, he wrote and published the Raven comic book series and edited and published Scene, a Virginia-based entertainment magazine. In 2001, Mike was part of the “Best in Class – Master Division” winning presentation at the Millennium Philcon Masquerade. In 2002, he began a 15-year run publishing the fanzine Nth Degree. In 2007, he wrote the “Writing for Magazines” chapter for Dragon Moon Press’ The Author’s Grimoire.
During the pandemic, he edited and published CORVID-19: A RavenCon Anthology. Mike has run programming for Trinoc*coN, been Fan Guest of Honor for ConCarolinas and Mysticon, co-chaired a successful NASFiC bid, and served as Master of Ceremonies for MarsCon. He has become the East Coast’s go-to guy for interviews; interviewing guests for Balticon, ConCarolinas, ConGregate, MarsCon, Mysticon, RavenCon, and StellarCon.
In 2017, Mike was honored with the Rebel Award for his contributions to Southern Fandom. He is currently making plans with Amazing Stories to host the official 100th Anniversary of Science Fiction in 2026.